Looking for a long-life hotel TV system?
Looking to upgrade or expand your existing TV system?
Need expert help with design and implementation?

A positive guest experience is guaranteed.
It’s not the size of the accommodation that counts, but the satisfaction of the guest. Whether you have a hotel (3, 4 stars), a guest house, guest cottage, resort or hunting lodge, we can find the hotel TV that is not just about technical investment, but about maintaining and enhancing the guest experience.

You will have your own
advertising channel.
A small hotel can offer surprises and it doesn’t cost much. With our hotel TV systems, you can have your own information and advertising channel
at a fairly low cost

Reducing electricity costs.
The power consumption of old tube TV sets can be several times that of modern sets! Upgrading over 20 rooms quickly pays for itself in electricity costs alone.

Cost-saving 24/7 operation.
Does your headend currently consist of individual satellite receivers? These are not designed for 24/7 operation, they freeze easily, break down, need frequent service calls, which can be a big problem. The modern devices we install are specifically designed for 24/7 operation, they operate stably without needing to be touched for years, saving your hotel significant costs.

Affordable basic features.
Don’t have the budget for expensive equipment but don’t want to give up quality TV? We can show you alternative TV sets that already include some hotel TV features.

Cable TV providers are no longer needed.
We provide you with the channels you want from any location, via satellite, and you’re not vulnerable to service price increases.

How can you count on us?

Megtervezzük a szállodai tv rendszert

We plan and implement it

We design and build the ideal hotel TV system, hotel TV. After assessing the location and requirements, we will draw up the technical design and then we will implement it.

Tartós hotel tv eszközök

We provide durable equipment.

We are in contact with the world’s leading manufacturers, we know from experience which hotel TVs are capable of what, and we have an insight into the market that few others have. With the equipment you get from us, you won’t have problems for a long time.

Fenntarthatóság a hotel TV iparban

We care about sustainability.

We will dispose of the waste generated during installation and we will arrange the sale of the dismantled TV sets.

Hotel TV távfelügyelet

We provide remote monitoring and operation on request.

This means that faults are corrected before the guest notices and reports them.

Ha mégsem ránk bízod hotel TV rendszered üzemeltetését

If you do not wish to work with us

Even if you don’t entrust us with the operation, you can still count on us if a change (frequency change, satellite change) requires the system to be retuned or reprogrammed.

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