The fourth Hotelstars star also requires international TV channels in your hotel rooms, but what if your contracted cable provider only offers Hungarian language channels. In this case, the following solutions are available.
- You forgo the higher rating due to the lack of international channels.
- You can cancel your subscription and sign up with a provider that also offers international channels.
- You cancel your subscription and invest millions of forints in your own TV system.
- You call us and citing this case study, ask for the same solution we last helped a hotel in Szeged with.
Because of some international channels, you don’t need to have your own TV system, you just need a palm-sized, compact device that generates the same signals as cable TV servers. To receive foreign-language channels, all you need is a satellite dish and a tiny box, whose signal you can add to your service provider’s signal.

Újrahangolás után a tévéken a nemzetközi csatornák is meg fognak jelenni. Szegeden az alábbiakat választottuk.
- BBC World News HD – English
- Al Jazeera HD – English
- NHK World HD – English
- TRT World HD – English
- France 24 – English
- Das Erste HD – German
- ZDF HD – German
- ZDF_neo HD – German
- SWR HD – German
- Arte HD – French, German
- France 24 – French
- TV5 Monde HD – French
If you would like to add channels to your cable TV service, please contact us.
Baranyai Zoltán
Hotel TV business manager