(4* SUPERIOR – 5*)

Looking for the perfect hotel hotel TV system? Looking to upgrade or expand your existing system? Are you looking for a contractor or operator with expertise in hotel TV?
Are you a technician or do you work with IT systems?

You probably know that one of the secrets to guest satisfaction is the ability to watch quality TV, which you can improve to perfection with us.

Being able to watch TV comfortably and “smartly” on a hotel TV is now a standard requirement.

A much appreciated gesture by guests is the welcome message on the screen.

A handy feature is that you can mirror the contents of your phone to your TV.

It’s even possible to send invoices via hotel TV, which is a legitimate expectation for guests used to a fast, online world.

Hotel TV is one of the most powerful tools for self-promotion: you can display advertising and informational videos in several languages as if they were TV stations.

You can sell your own or your partners’ services not only with videos, but also with spectacular marketing tools.

What you can be particularly happy about: the content on the Hotel Quick Menu replaces the printed information leaflets required for the Hotelstars rating.

Our TV systems operate independently of cable operators.

And perhaps most importantly:

Hotel TVs are much more durable and longer-lasting than their conventional counterparts,
so you can expect fewer breakdowns and less frequent replacements.
We provide you with the channels you want from satellite, from any location, so you’re not vulnerable to price increases.

How can you count on us?

Megtervezzük a szállodai tv rendszert

Are you a hotel technician or owner?

We design and build the ideal hotel TV system. After assessing your needs, we will draw up a technical plan down to the smallest detail.

Hotel, szálloda IT szakember

Are you an IT professional?

We’ll help you to get the highest possible quality from the TV technical task you’ve been given. You can ask us directly when you can’t find a proper answer on the internet (you’ve probably experienced how difficult it is to find information on hotel TV). We’re happy to guide you through the product selection process, brainstorming and planning with you.

Hotel TV technológia

We offer the latest technology

We work directly with the most reputable TV manufacturers and are up-to-date with the latest devices and solutions developed specifically for hotels. You can be sure you’re giving your guests the best.

Fenntarthatóság a hotel TV iparban

We care about sustainability

We will dispose of the waste generated (up to even several pallets of waste) and we will arrange the sale of the dismantled TV sets.

Hotel TV távfelügyelet

We provide remote monitoring and operation on request

This means that faults are corrected before the guest notices and reports them.

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